English Name: Yellow Mustard Seeds ( Brassica juncea)
Common Indian Name (Hindi): Peeli Sarson
- Mustard is a member of the Brassica family of plants which bears tiny round edible seeds as well as tasty leaves.
- All mustard seeds are used as a spice in the food. The three most popular varieties of mustard plants for culinary use are:
- Black Mustard (Brassica nigra), which bears black seeds. This is very popular in the Middle East and Asia Minor where they originated.
- Brown Mustard ( Brassica juncea). The brown originated in the Himalayans and has virtually replaced the black in American and British kitchens, particularly North American Chinese restaurants.
- White Mustard ( Brassica alba), originated in the Mediterranean area and bears the light tan seeds which end up as the bright yellow (with the help of a little dye) mustard we apply generously to our hot dogs.
- Yellow Mustard seeds are not so pungent and sharp and are used more often in cooking as a pickling spice.
- Mustard not only stimulates the appetite by increasing salivation by up to eight times, it also has digestive, laxative, antiseptic, and circulative stimulant properties.
- They are strongly preservative and discourage molds and bacteria.
- Mustard oil is made from B. juncea, providing an oil widely used in India in the same way as ghee.
- Yellow mustard is beneficial in relieving an aching back or arthritis pain.
- It is also helpful in Relieving congestion.
- It is also useful for various applications like meat processing, mustard paste etc.
- Mustard also contains sulphur, which has been used as a treatment for skin diseases.
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