English Name: White Radish
Common Indian Name (Hindi): Mooli
- Radishes are a member of the Brassicaceae family thus related to broccoli, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts.
- White radishes, also called as winter radishes, are long and white in color. They need cool temperatures and shorts day-lengths to flourish.
- This root vegetable is extremely crisp when fresh, with high water content, giving it a juicy, refreshing flesh.
- The tangy flavor of all types of radishes is due to the mustard oil found in cruciferous plants.
- Radish varieties come in an array of colors and sizes. They can be red, pink, black, purple, or white; the size of a dime, or profoundly large.
- Radishes are a very good source of fiber, vitamin C, folic acid and potassium, and a good source of riboflavin, vitamin B6, calcium, magnesium, copper and manganese. Other nutrients, including iron, are also found, but in lesser quantities.
- Radishes are also mildly anti-inflammatory. A diet containing anti-inflammatory foods can help to control inflammation in the body, which is an underlying factor of so many allergies and illnesses
- These radishes are eaten throughout Asia. In India, they are enjoyed cooked, pickled, and raw, as they are in Japan, Thailand, Malaysia and other countries.
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